Call for Abstract

16th International Conference on Clinical Nutrition, will be organized around the theme Evolving Solutions in Clinical Nutrition

Clin Nutrition 2019 is comprised of 21 tracks and 68 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Clin Nutrition 2019.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Nutrition is both an art and a science: it observes, measures and tries to explain the constantly changing process of the optimal mix of chemicals necessary for the functioning of an individual at all stages of life. The science of nutrition is devoted to defining requirements for essential nutrients, amino acids, essential fatty acids, vitamins and trace elements. The intention of this session is to show how throughout history, communities have developed a dietary structure that made the most of local resources.

  • Track 1-1Essential nutrients
  • Track 1-2Dietary patterns
  • Track 1-3Parenteral nutrition supplements
  • Track 1-4Oral nutritional supplements

Malnutrition and poor water and sanitation add to 23% of the hazard factors to the worldwide infections. Malnutrition is an underlying cause of 30% of child death, affects growth in 230 million children. Adequate nutrition cannot be assumed, just because there are no obvious clinical features of deficiency disease. Indeed, some degree of malnutrition has been identified in a significant proportion of the hospital populations of affluent countries.

  • Track 2-1Clinical findings in poor nutrition
  • Track 2-2Geographical factors
  • Track 2-3Ecological factors
  • Track 2-4Dietary protein deficiency
  • Track 2-5Protein-Energy malnutrition
  • Track 2-6Effects of starvation

Diet is a recognized etiological factor. Cancer is a complex process in which molecular, biological, nutritional and chemical irritations have a role. The interplay among diet, environment and genetic predisposition is important in most diseases. Dietary ingredients may induce or inhibit these carcinogens. Dietary factors have an important but complex role, which includes excessive energy intake, and possibly a high consumption of saturated fat and protein and a low consumption of dietary fiber and micronutrients. It has been shown that caloric (i.e. energy) restriction will inhibit the growth of spontaneous or experimentally induced tumours.

  • Track 3-1Dietary influences
  • Track 3-2Nutrition assessment in cancer patients
  • Track 3-3Clinical nursing in cancer patients
  • Track 3-4Etiology
  • Track 3-5Metabolic consequences of cancer

Good nutrition is essential for the good health of mother and infant. This session is designed to improve skills specifically in the area of nutrition assessment, and to build competence in obtaining and evaluating indicators of nutritional status within the pediatric and geriatric population which include biochemical, anthropometric, clinical, intake, psychosocial data and factors.


·         Increment attention to the best possible techniques for assessing growth in kids with special healthcare needs

·         To update outdated growth charts and assessment techniques.

·         Classify severity of malnutrition

·         Use knowledge regarding premature infants to select appropriate nutrient goals

·         To explain how to increase formula concentration for an infant who is not gaining weight

·         Analyze the diet and the biochemical indicators of pediatric and geriatric patients.

  • Track 4-1Malnutrition diagnosis in children
  • Track 4-2Refeeding syndrome in geriatric patients
  • Track 4-3Pediatric and geriatric nursing

A diabetes diet is a good dieting plan that is normally rich in nutrients and low in fat and calories. Key components are natural products, vegetables and grains. Food, long recognized as a vector of infectious disease, is now seen to have a role in the etiology of non-infectious diseases such as maturity-onset diabetes and obesity. The response to diet is a balance between age, smoking, weight, diabetic problems and the genetic makeup.

  • Track 5-1Diet balancing
  • Track 5-2Educating diabetic patients
  • Track 5-3Food choices
  • Track 5-4Food complications in diabetic patients

Nutrition plays a vital role in the heart diseases and obesity. The burden of cardiovascular diseases is expected to rise due to the ageing population and the increasing prevalence of risk factors such as obesity. There is a relationship between cardiovascular disease risk and a variety of nutrients, foods and dietary patterns. Saturated fats and cholesterol in the diet increase levels of cholesterol in the blood, particularly low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol which is also known as bad cholesterol. This session deals with the advanced nutrition assessments and dietary patterns for patients suffering with cardiovascular diseases.

  • Track 6-1Risk factors
  • Track 6-2Heart healthy foods
  • Track 6-3Cardiovascular disease prevention
  • Track 6-4Combating high blood pressure

The right number of calories to eat each day is based on age and physical activity level and whether trying to gain, lose or maintain your weight. Fat oxidation and metabolism are not dependent on the fat content of the meal; fatty meals lead to fat accumulation and obesity. Obesity is one of the components of metabolic syndrome, a cluster of risk factors that increases an individual’s risk for chronic diseases and diabetes. This session deals with the epidemiology of obesity by age, race, and geographic location and includes data on the direct costs associated with obesity.

  • Track 7-1Obesity in children
  • Track 7-2Physical exercises
  • Track 7-3Energy balance
  • Track 7-4Underweight & Overweight

Chronic diseases are long-term diseases which are not contagious and largely preventable. As chronic diseases are largely preventable, a strategy on diet, physical exercise and health are needed. Chronic diseases include obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, osteoporosis, and dental diseases etc. which are a growing burden for society. Nutrition and diet are believed to have a causative role in chronic diseases. The new approach is to avoid chronic diseases is to maximize health and improve quality of life, and to suggest guidelines for groups and individuals. Poor eating and physical activity patterns have a cumulative effect and have contributed to significant nutrition and physical activity-related health challenges that now face the population.

Metabolism is the chemical process by which a body uses to transform the food into the fuel that keeps us alive. Nutrition (food) consists of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. These substances are broken down by enzymes in the digestive system and then carried to the cells where they can be used as energy fuel.

A metabolic disorder happens when the digestion procedure fails and makes the body to have either excessively or too little of the nutrients expected to remain healthy. Metabolic disorders can take many forms. This includes:

·         A missing enzyme or vitamin.

·         Abnormal chemical reactions that hinder metabolic processes.

·         A disease in the liver, pancreas, endocrine glands, or other organs which are involved in metabolism.

·         Nutritional deficiencies.

  • Track 9-1Gaucher’s disease
  • Track 9-2Glucose galactose malabsorption
  • Track 9-3Hereditary hemochromatosis
  • Track 9-4Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD)
  • Track 9-5Phenylketonuria (PKU)

Behavioral Nutrition is the science which is helpful in evaluating some of the problems & changes in the dietary behaviors. Various factors influence our human activity such as behavioral, personal, familial, social, and physical environmental factors. Correcting those factors will lead to healthy dietary behaviors. Providing nutrition services to individuals that have behavioral health issues is an important and complicated task. In many cases, the lines are not clear-cut, and an individual may be dealing with more than one diagnosis.   It is not uncommon for a person to have a mental illness as well as an eating disorder or substance abuse problem.

  • Track 10-1Eating disorders
  • Track 10-2Intellectual and developmental disabilities
  • Track 10-3Autism
  • Track 10-4Targeted nutrition interventions

Medical Nutrition Therapy is an evidence-based medical approach to treat certain chronic conditions using a tailored nutrition plan. Diet is an important part of everything we do in daily life. Food provides the fuel to our bodies and our minds to think clearly and execute daily tasks. Medical nutrition therapy can play a life-changing role in reducing complications associated with certain chronic conditions, such and Type 2 Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD).

  • Track 11-1MNT in reducing chronic diseases
  • Track 11-2Evidence based MNT

Nutritional Biochemistry manages different examinations in nutrients, food constituents and their capacity with respect to people and different warm-blooded animals. Nutritional biochemistry particularly centers around nutritional supplements, and how they work biochemically, physiologically, metabolically, and also their effect on illness. Nutritional Biochemistry takes a scientific approach to nutrition. It covers not just nutritional requirements but why they are required for human health, by describing their function at the cellular and molecular level.

  • Track 12-1Nutrient bioavailability

Accumulating evidence of a link between nutrition and chronic disease has led to new investigations in nutritional epidemiology. Nutritional epidemiology is an area of epidemiology that involves research to:

·         Examine the role of nutrition in the etiology of disease.

·         Monitor the nutritional status of populations.

·         Develop and evaluate interventions to achieve healthful eating patterns among populations.

  • Track 13-1Nutritional status of populations
  • Track 13-2Role of nutrition in etiology of diseases
  • Track 13-3Eating patterns among populations

Advances in Clinal Nutrition responds to the growing demand for a prestigious, synthesizes, and explains the current state of knowledge in all facets of the field. In addition to explaining the significance of new research findings in clinical research, it will also highlight research gaps and future directions. This will keep better information in applying the latest findings and best practices to advance the research and clinical practice.

Food Science is a multi-disciplinary field including science, organic chemistry, nourishment, microbiology, and engineering to give one the logical learning to tackle genuine issues related to the numerous aspects of the nutrition framework. The premise of the teach lies in a comprehension of the science of food components, for example, proteins, sugars, fats and water and the responses they experience amid preparing and capacity.

  • Track 15-1Food microbiology
  • Track 15-2Food toxicology
  • Track 15-3Food analysis
  • Track 15-4Food technology

Knowing what kind of diet works best for a human body type can help to manage weight more effectively. Appropriate food choices and portion sizes are required for an understanding of healthy eating habits. This session will lay a platform to express the latest food and nutrition charts which could replace the outdated food charts.

  • Track 16-1Low carb diets
  • Track 16-2Mediterranean diet
  • Track 16-3Macronutrient preload
  • Track 16-4Detox Diets
  • Track 16-5Ketogenic Diet
  • Track 16-6DASH
  • Track 16-7FAD Diet or Diet cult

A nutraceutical can be defined as any substance considered as a food, or its part which, in addition to its normal nutritional value provides health benefits including the prevention of disease or promotion of health. Nutraceuticals are organically active phytochemicals that might be conveyed to the purchaser as a dietary supplement or potentially as a functional food. Nutraceuticals are probably going to assume a fundamental part in human health and lifespan. The utilization of these items by most of the public is without a medical prescription or supervision.

  • Track 17-1Nutraceuticals as pharmaceuticals

Probiotics contain live organisms, usually specific strains of bacteria that directly add to the population of healthy microbes in the gut. Probiotics can be taken through both food and supplements.

Prebiotics are specialized plant fibers. which act like fertilizers that stimulate the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut. Prebiotics are found in many fruits and vegetables, which contain complex carbohydrates, such as fiber and resistant starch. These carbohydrates aren't digestible by the human body, so they pass through the digestive system to become food for the bacteria and other microbes.

  • Track 18-1Beneficial Microbes
  • Track 18-2Probiotics and Supplements

Community nutrition is helpful to develop healthy eating habits in individuals and groups in order to promote wellness and prevent disease. Dieticians and nutritionists work along with other health care professionals in promoting improved community nutrition.

The goals of community nutrition are:

·         To educate individuals and groups to adopt healthy eating habits.

·         A preventive approach in educating individuals in how to reduce the risk of illness by a change in diet.

·         To educate individuals with diabetes to control their blood glucose levels through diet as well as medication.

  • Track 19-1Nutrition education
  • Track 19-2Nutrition intervention strategies

Nutrition in plants may thus be defined as a process of synthesis of food, its breakdown and utilization for various functions in the body. A series of processes are involved in the synthesis of food by plants which include breaking down the food into simpler substances and its utilization.

It is extremely important to meet animal nutritional requirements in maintaining acceptable performance of neonatal, growing, finishing and breeding animals. An optimal nutritional program should ensure adequate intakes of amino acids,  carbohydrates, fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins by animals through a supplementation program that corrects deficiencies in basal diets.

  • Track 20-1Requirement and Guidelines of Dairy Nutrition
  • Track 20-2Ruminant Nutrition
  • Track 20-3Nonruminant Nutrition
  • Track 20-4Livestock Nutrition

\r\n Nutrigenomics is the specialized area of nutrition which uses molecular tools to search, access and understand the several responses obtained through certain diet applied between individuals or population. Nutrigenetics is the study of the relationships among nutrition, genes and health outcomes. This session is to deal with the Clinical aspects of Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics.


  • Track 21-1Genetic variations on dietary response
  • Track 21-2Role of nutrients in gene expression
  • Track 21-3Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics in treating diseases